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From: Jureq <j...@X...ze.spamemX.op.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.soc.prawo.podatki
Subject: Re: Re[4]: (OT): głównyksięgowy TAK czy NIE
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 09:09:24 +0200
Organization: ATMAN
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <bf86f1$tnn$1@news.atman.pl>
References: <bf2rc7$tn3$3@news.atman.pl> <1...@r...pl>
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Xref: news-archive.icm.edu.pl pl.soc.prawo.podatki:89914
[ ukryj nagłówki ]Krzysztof A. Ziembik wrote:
> J> Ma być charset=iso8859-2 i w subject "Re:" zamiast "re[2]:"
> To pierwsze zgoda - nawet nie zauwazylem kiedy "sie przestawilo", to
> drugie nie - poniewaz czasem warto wiedziec ile razy odpisywalo sie na
> dany temat.
RFC1036 "Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages"
2.1.4. Subject
The "Subject" line (formerly "Title") tells what the message is
about. It should be suggestive enough of the contents of the
message to enable a reader to make a decision whether to read the
message based on the subject alone. If the message is submitted in
response to another message (e.g., is a follow-up) the default
subject should begin with the four characters "Re:", and the
"References" line is required. For follow-ups, the use of the
"Summary" line is encouraged.
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