
eGospodarka.plPodatkiGrupypl.soc.prawo.podatkiRE: Look at this security patch from Microsoft Corporation › Corrupte Datei, Vorsicht! was Re: Look at this security patch from Microsoft Corporation
  • Data: 2006-01-10 21:29:38
    Temat: Corrupte Datei, Vorsicht! was Re: Look at this security patch from Microsoft Corporation
    Od: NMS <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Geert Demol schrieb:

    > Microsoft <> All Products
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    > this is the latest version of security update, the "January 2006,
    > Cumulative Patch" update which fixes all known security
    > vulnerabilities affecting MS Internet Explorer, MS Outlook and MS
    > Outlook Express. Install now to continue keeping your computer secure.
    > This update includes the functionality of all previously released
    > patches.
    > System requirements Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT/XP
    > This update applies to MS Internet Explorer, version 4.01 and later
    > MS Outlook, version 8.00 and later
    > MS Outlook Express, version 4.01 and later
    > Recommendation Customers should install the patch at the earliest
    > opportunity.
    > How to install Run attached file. Choose Yes on displayed dialog box.
    > How to use You don't need to do anything after installing this item.
    > Microsoft Product Support Services and Knowledge Base articles can be
    > found on the Microsoft Technical Support
    > <> web site. For security-related
    > information about Microsoft products, please visit the Microsoft
    > Security Advisor <> web site, or
    > Contact Us. <>
    > Thank you for using Microsoft products.
    > Please do not reply to this message. It was sent from an unmonitored
    > e-mail address and we are unable to respond to any replies.
    > ----------------------------------------------------
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    > the trademarks of their respective owners.
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