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Szukana fraza: Autor: Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people under subjection <>
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  • Re: cancel <gv14hq$n74$>

    2009-05-20 14:39:14 autor: Moslem cartoon character mohammed was a paedophile 6th century warlord and goat fucker who cooked up a false religion in order to supplement brutality as a means of bringing people under subjection wrote: > This message was cancelled from within Mozilla. HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your mother (nikomak), molest ... [ więcej ]

    grupa: pl.soc.prawo.podatki

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